Review: Finding Olivia - Micalea Smeltzer

Finding Olivia (Trace + Olivia, #1)

Review: Finding Olivia - Book #1 Trace + Olivia Series - Micalea Smeltzer - August 2013

Olivia Owens has a list of things that she wants to achieve, kind of like a bucket list. Going off to college was the freedom she had yearned for after growing up in a strict household as the preacher's daughter. The public saw a happy, loving husband and father, but behind doors, Olivia's father was cruel and mean to both Olivia and her mum. One night Olivia ends up with a flat tire on the side of the road and Trace Wentworth pulls up to help her out. Sparks fly between the two, and one thing leads to another, and the pair starts spending time together. Olivia on a whim finds herself sharing her prized possession - the list with Trace and then one thing leads to another and the pair start a journey to complete the items on the list. What will happen though when Trace's family and past are revealed? Will the different statuses worry Olivia or will she realize he is no different than she is? I liked this story as it had a suspense feel and a tad of edginess with Olivia's family abuse storyline. For me, this is what made the story seem more real other than the insta-love stories that are all roses and sunshine. The other thing I loved is the new covers for this series which are amazing.  I am now looking forward to reading the rest of the series by Micalea Smeltzer.


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