Review: The Elizas - Sara Shepard

The Elizas

Review: The Elizas - Sara Shepard - April 2018
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One of my favorite authors is Sara Shepard; I fell in love with her about 8-10 years ago when I first discovered the book Pretty Little Liars. I then went on to read everything she had ever written and recently I got to meet her when I attended the RT2017 in Atlanta. She was amazing. So when I saw on Netgalley, a new release by her - I just had to read it. The Elizas is written with more the New Adult-Adult audience in mind and like her other series has a psychological twist to the story. In The Elizas, we meet Eliza Fontaine who is now being seen as trying to kill herself by her family and friends, but she knows different - she was pushed into the pool that fateful night. Now Eliza must try and untangle the web of lies and deception to find out what happened that night at the hotel. In The Elizas, we are also given a bit of an Inception twist with it being a Book within a Book. Eliza Fontaine is also an upcoming bestselling author of a book called Dots. It was created after she had surgery for her brain tumor. I have to admit, in some parts, I was like I could see this coming, and in others, it was like just when you were certain it was something - bam - out comes another twist and turn in the story. The Elizas by Sara Shepard keeps readers on their toes as they try to get to the bottom of what happened with Eliza at the hotel and what secrets her friends and family are all hiding.  If you are a fan of Sara Shepard's books, then this is one release you will want to add to your 2018 wishlist.


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