Review : Close to Me - Tamara Lush

Close to Me

Review: Close to Me - Tamara Lush - February 2017

I have to admit when I first clicked on to read this book, I was expecting a full size novel . I didn't realise until I had finished the book that it was in fact a short story. When I say short story, this book is only 26 pages long and is definitely a quick bite read. The book is set in a Yoga Studio and Vivian has just returned to the workforce after what seems like a bout of tragedy which resulted in her developing PTSD. She is left a massage card by Zach who was a soldier and now working in the same building as a massage therapist. She calls and they start off with an innocent thai massage which leads of course to a full-on sensual sexual encounter. Close to Me was a quick erotica short story and left you with a few unanswered questions as many a short stories do.

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