Cover Reveal: Epic Love Story - Dawn Robertson

Epic Love Story - A Romantic Comedy coming from Dawn Robertson - Summer 2015

My names Cora, and until recently I thought I was living the American dream. Perfect husband. Perfect house. But life isn't a fairytale I learned that the hard way when I discovered my husband's been banging his secretary on a daily basis.I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have just come out with that, but I really don’t have much of a filter. 
The story began when we met in high school, and abruptly ended recently so now I am just trying to put my life back together without him. I'm finally going to live my dream. Without him but with his money. Because I deserve every dime I get for what he did to me.
I have always wanted to be an author.  

In fact, I started writing my very first book about six months ago; a New Adult tale of gut-wrenching love in college. The kind of book that makes you ugly cry and root for the heroine while she does her own soul searching.

Except I just chucked the whole thing in the trash, where it belongs, because the real world isn’t like that. I want to write a real life story. A real life account of searching for love.So, I am using myself as market research so you could say.Hold on bitches, because it’s about to be a bumpy ride.


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