Review: Already Dead - Jaye Ford

Already Dead 

Review: Already Dead - Jaye Ford - September 2014

On what started off as a normal day for Miranda, a day that was supposed to be a fresh start for her - away from the limelight and from those who knew of her husband's death, became a day that would change her life forever when a random guy hopped into her car with a gun and told her to drive and keep on driving. Miranda has been carjacked by Brendan who has told Miranda that he has been followed and that he must get to his wife and son one last time and say goodbye because he is "Already Dead". Miranda believes he is being paranoid , but even at the back of her mind - her journalistic tendencies and skills start ticking away and she wonders if there is any truth to his story. We later discover that Miranda has already met Brendan - years ago when she did an article about War soldiers and their families. Brendan we learn after he came back from the war started suffering from PTSD like many of those who have served and found it hard to find work until he got hooked up doing a few private security gigs. One of those gigs was being a bodyguard for Nina - a DA who has just been a couple of days earlier found murdered . Is Brendan connected to the murder and is the same people who committed it , after him ? What will happen though when Miranda tries to return to her normal life and strange things keep happening ? Was there more to Brendan's story than the police believed ? 
Find out in this fast-paced Australian Thriller novel "Already Dead" by Jaye Ford. If you love Thrillers and Suspense novels, then this book is your beverage.




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