Review: Absolution - Amanda Dick

Review: Absolution - Amanda Dick - January 2015

Four years ago, best friends Cal , Jack and Ally were heading home from the concert - the most awesome one ever when their car skidded and turned over and the three of them were involved in a serious car accident. Cal and Jack were hurt but not badly, their friend Ally -who was Jack's girlfriend though was stuck in the car and since they smelt gas they pulled her out. Turned out though that they shouldn't have as it caused her to become paralysed from the waist down with a spinal injury. Jack blamed himself every day for this injury and being scared and cowardly , he took the easy but hard way out and ran away . He lost contact with all his friends and family until one day when Callum rung up to tell him his dad had died. Jack returns home from the funeral with the knowing he has to face Cal and Ally, but can he be the bigger man and step up to the plate especially when Cal has so much anger towards him and hates his guts. As the story gets on, we read as the relationship now strained between the friends starts to close the gap and move closer, but can their relationship be repaired when there are still truths and secrets from the night of the crash -that all three of them have been bottling up over the past four years since the accident ? This was a good read and I loved the fact that the author is a New Zealander like myself , if you are in the mood for an Edgy older New Adult story then check out "Absolution" by Amanda Dick and you will not be disappointed with it's twists and turns.



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