Review: All's Fair in Blog and War - Chrissie Peria


All's Fair in Blog and War

Review: All's Fair in Blog and War - Chrissie Peria - June 2013

One of my favourite things about being a book blogger is that I get to read alot of Advanced Review Copies and be in contact with awesome authors all around the world. Which is what lead me to pick up and buy Chrissie Peria's book "All's Fair in Blog and War". Turns out that in this book we meet Five , who is a travel blogger and she has been given a once in a lifetime opportunity for an all-expenses paid trip to Macau to write and blog about the travelling experience. She can't wait and jumps at the opportunity, on the introduction course she meets Jesse - who seems like a stuck up rich snob and seems that he looks down on bloggers as attention whores.Out of this trip comes a winning prize for the best after blog experience and Five has her eye on the prize. As the trip goes along though we see passion and chemistry fly between Five and Jesse, but what will happen when one of the other more flirtatious females on the blog tour experience has her eyes set on Jesse. Will Five believe that all they had was a fleeting moment or can Jesse prove to her that he really does love her ? Will she take his word on it or will he use the world of social media and twitter to create a grand gesture proving his love for Five ?
Find out in this quick and fun read that all those involved in the blogging and travel writing world should read and remember readers "All's Fair in Blog and War".



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