Review: Material Girls - Elaine Dimopoulos

Review: Material Girls - Elaine Dimopoulos - May 2015

Are you a fan of the Dystopian trends and love your fashion ? Do you keep up to date with all the latest trends ? In Material Girls , this is a world where at the end of your seventh grade education - many are tapped and some land into high paying jobs and celebrity roles whereas others become what is known as "averages/normals" . If you fall into the first category - you can become a game designer, a celebrity, a pop singer or work in the fashion industry. This book focuses mainly on two girls who were both tapped when they were in seventh grade. We have Marla Klein who was tapped into the fashion industry, where she has worked her way up into being the youngest judge in the Superior Court where they vote on the fashion trends and decide what's hot or not. The other is Ivy Wilde, who was tapped from one of the poorer parts of town to become a celebrity Pop singer. She has gotten sick of the fakeness of the world and starts to wonder what is the point of the tap as the rest of her family are "averages".  Things start to go downhill for Marla as she has seemed to have lost her fashion touch and is sent to the basement to become a drafter - these are the ones that create the fashion and in this world are at the bottom of the fashion totem pole. As weeks pass by, Marla starts to view the world differently and soon along with her new friends - they decide to stick it to the Silents - which is the world leaders and start a strike. Will this change the view of the world or will they soon be squashed ? Unlike the other dystopians that we read of , this book is more of a slower pace and looks at the mere possibility that sometimes an event can change or at least start a small dominio effect and that who knows maybe years down the track, it may make a difference - it just may take a while that's all. 



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