Review: Lights Out - Chad Cramer


Review: Lights Out - Chad Cramer - December 2014

Have you got little ones that are afraid of the dark ? Wanting a good parenting book that focuses on helping your children to overcome their fears of the dark ? Needing a book that has good Christian values spread within the chapters ?  Chad Cramer's book "Lights Out" focuses on teaching your children that the darkness and bedtime is not a place to be scared of . Filled with quotes, ancedotes and Christian verses , this book is the perfect guide for parents to read and next time you go to turn the lights out for your children - they won't be saying "No, Daddy - there's a monster in my closet" or asking for the nightlight as they will discover with God's help that there is nothing to be afraid of when he is near and that the dark is one of the first steps.
 Lights Out is the perfect guide for toddlers to teenagers and in-betweeners and once you pick up, you will be wanting to pass the book onto friends and family to read and learn some great tips.




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