Pretty Little Liars : Stained - Barbra Annino


Review: Stained - Pretty Little Liars Kindle Worlds - Barbra Annino - June 2013

Are you as big of a fan of Pretty Little Liars than I am ? I love Pretty Little Liars and it makes me sad thinking what am I going to do when it's eventually over. Searching on Amazon the other day, I came across a collection of Short Stories called Pretty Little Liars - Kindle Worlds. They are basically spin-off Pretty Little Liars stories. I was over-joyed so I purchased a whole lot of them and put the rest on my amazon wishlist. Today's one is called Stained and follows the Montgomery Family. Stained's theme is that the Liar doesn't fall far from the tree and in this case it's a like mother, like daughter scenario as "A" threatens to tell the world about Aria's mother Ella. Years ago, when Ella was in college she fell in love with her Art Professor just like Aria was with Ezra and her father Byron with Meredith - must run in the family , these student/teacher relationships and it seems that "A" knows all about it and sends Aria and Hanna on a PLL Hunt gathering clues about Ella's past. We discover that in college , Ella was an amazing artist and was given a job on the side of painting forgeries and it seems that twenty years later the secret has come to bite Ella Montgomery on the bottom. Can Hanna and Aria stop "A" from ruining her mum's image and gallery ? Or will "A" once again find a way to outsmart the girls and be one step ahead the whole time ?
Find out in this 40+ page spin-off of the hit series Pretty Little Liars.



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