VBT# A Boat Made of Bone - Nicole Grotepas


Review: A Boat Made of Bone - Nicole Grotepas - January 2013

Have you ever read a book that has captured you from the cover image and then once you get reading it, you are like alright - this is interesting and then you keep reading it as you want to see what actually happens , but you only keep reading it as you are a tad confused yet it draws you in ?
To me, that was my experience with A Boat Made of Bone by Nicole Grotepas. The cover is amazing , the story itself was great but in a way that even as I reached the end I was still confused about what I had read and I was like huh ???. 
In A Boat Made of Bone - we meet Kate who in the "real" world is a worker at a music shop called Suga's and plays the guitar and is an awesome song lyricist. She also flatmates with a friend whom at first I thought was like 17-20's but as I read the book further I started to see the flatmate Audra as maybe in her late 30's/ early 40's - like a Mother figure but not. Kate has just broken up with her long-time boyfriend Tom and has been in a dry spell and so Audra sets her up with Ty - a guy from their Rock Climbing Gym.  The "real" world follows Kate in her adventures to try and get back in the dating realm but also her day-to-day routines. 
On the other hand - we have Kate in a "alternate dream world" where when she sleeps , she meets William Hawke, who is a dead actor from the 80's. They have a relationship in the dream world which takes them anywhere they want. This is where it got weird , was that it turns out Will is in fact like a Demon soul collector of sorts or a Dream Incubus. 
For me , I did find the book a tad disjointed which made me confused as it was like reading two separate books. For this I am giving it three stars , but it could vary on a 4 stars scale.



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