VBT# Review: Walker - Michelle Flick

Review: Walker - Michelle Flick - December 2013

What would you do if your whole life just turned upside down ? For Kate, her parents have just passed in a car accident and now her and her sister Jesse whom is pregnant with her first child are living in a small-town out in the middle of the wop-wops. Kate starts her new school and attracts the attention of Colton - the cheerleader known as JCru's boyfriend and she isn't very happy about it and tries to make Kate's life miserable. The thing is she doesn't know Kate and Kate isn't one to be a push-over, the other great thing is Kate has on her side a group of friends who all at one time have been targets of JCru's meanniness. If only Kate had to put up with that , the thing is Kate has started to become a dream walker - something her mum and older sister could do. However, Kate's dreams are more like nightmares as someone is killing the girls in her town in their sleep - a bit like a modern day without the sexual abuse Freddy Krueger and the only one who can identify him is Kate. Can she stop the killer before she is his latest victim. The other thing is Kate has met a cute guy in her dream-walking , a guy called Nick Hall who happens to have been in a coma for the past three years and lives up the road from her. Can Kate in the "real world" be the inspiration and motivation , Nick needs to be able to wake up and face reality ?
Find out in this awesome and fast-paced read . 


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