Review; Tousle Me - Lucy V. Morgan


Review: Tousle Me - A New Adult Parody - Lucy V. Morgan - December 2013

This is a really hard review to write as think about all the New Adult books you have read from Beautiful Disaster to Cora Cormack's Losing It to Gabriel's Rapture and Fifty Shades of Grey even Ten Tiny Breaths makes an appearance. 
Tousle Me is a Parody which means as you read it , you can't help but think oh my goodness this is bad, really really bad. Not bad in a writing way but bad in content and then when I say bad in content not bad as over-sexed etc but bad as it pokes fun at everything New Adult stands for . It was quite a difficult read to get through as I struggled through the book but I kept reading as it still held my attention and fascination and I wanted to see what books it would poke fun at.  The story of course focuses on a Plain Jane Book Blogger called Cammibelle Hicks who lives with her over-sexed slut flatmate Enid and has a best friend Frat boy called Archery Riddick. At a frat party, Cammi runs into Hunter Von Styles who is your Alpha dude , the hot but misunderstood guy . A favourite part was that Cammi was upset about a review of hers taken down from Goodreads as they had a rule about the number of GIFS allowed in one review. To make her happy, Hunter went and brought her Goodreads. He took her to dinner in a limo through the Drive-Thru at McDonalds and he dipped his nuggets in BBQ sauce and licked her fries. When things were getting hot and heavy, Virgin Cammibelle made the excuse she had to go and pick up her pet Octopus from the Aqua Vet and he went and brought her a Unicorn who farted glitter.  See where I am going with this ????
 This is one of those books where if you love New Adult and don't mind Parodies , then it is a good laugh at them and pokes lots and lots of fun at them , but if you feel in the mood for an easy light-hearted read . Then this is not the book for you as reading it will take a lot out of you.



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