Review: A World Without Princes - Soman Chainani


Review: A World Without Princes - Book #2 The School of Good and Evil - Soman Chainani - April 2014

For this series , I loved the first book so much . So when I discovered there was to be a sequel I knew I had to check it out and I had high hopes. Though we all know what happens when a reader goes into a book the majority of time with high hopes. The book turns into a semi-disappointment. That's what I found with this one , at the beginning of the novel it got really exciting as the girls had killed the schoolmaster and been sent home and life was going well. However, Sophie of course was still wanting to be center of attention. Then trouble arose and the novel got really good , as it discovered that their happy ending wasn't exactly the one that was the norm and has caused so much trouble in the outside world. The girls are then transported back to their schools only to discover, things aren't as they left them as it seems there is no need now for Princes and Villians etc. The schools have been changed to School for Girls and a separate one for Boys. Classes have been changed and standards have dropped tremendously. The Fairytale world is in utter chaos and it is once again up to these two to try and save the world of Ever and Never Afters. I have to admit , I really hated the character Sophie - I thought she was a spoilt little brat as her friend Agatha was A) doing what she thought was best and also B) shouldn't she also get to have a happy ending ? 
I also found Book #2 to be a bit of a more waffle-on novel , though we do get a backstory to Agatha and Sophie's mother/fathers lives and how they intertwine into the School's history.
I am not sure whether I would read Book #3 if released, though we shall see what my mood is like when its available. 
This is one book that all fairy-tale lovers should read and a word of warning - Only read this book if you have finished reading Book #1 as otherwise it will not make much sense to the reader.



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