Review: Fire with Fire - Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian

Review: Fire with Fire - Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian - Book #2 Burn For Burn Series - August 2013:

Once again the girls are back , after their revenge prank ended up going terribly wrong. The girls are starting to question themselves but not for long as it seems that those they wanted to get revenge on , have still not learned their lessons- especially Reeve and Rennie. This book mainly focuses on Lillia and Mary trying to get their revenge as we see Lillia make friendly with Reeve and do a John Tucker Must Die routine on him and make him pay for what he has done - however what will happen when Lillia starts to actually feel something for Reeve ? Can she distinguish the line between faking and reality before someone gets hurt ? 
This year for Kat is all about making sure she gets into a good college and her number #1 choice as she wants out of Jar Island - the small community island they all live on. As she prepares for her college days, she starts to spend a bit more time with Alex Lind - will she discover that he is in fact a nice guy despite his gay poetry that she discovered when he was one of their revenge attacks ? 
Mary has still not forgiven Reeve for making her life miserable and he has to pay as he broke her. She will do everything in her power to get back at him and make him suffer just as she has. Now Mary's story is a weird one from her aunt who is like a Witch and seems to be casting spells galore to strange things occurring. This ending part with Mary, I was like OMFG I so did not see that coming at all and even a few hours after finishing the book, my brain is still processing it. It's like WOWZA.
 If you loved movies like Mean Girls and John Tucker Must Die , then what are you waiting for get stuck into Book #1 Burn For Burn and then check out Fire with Fire.
I so cannot wait now for Book #3 to see how it will play out especially with the way Book #2 finished.



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