VBT# Taking Something - Elizabeth Lee

Review: Taking Something - Book #2 Give Me Something Series - Elizabeth Lee - February 2014

Nick Kline is a Con-Artist and a good one at that , he reminded me of a cross between Leonardo DiCaprio's character Frank in Catch Me if You Can and the character of Willa on the TV Show The Finder. In Taking Something, he heads to LA and becomes a music producer for a record company and a spoilt singer called Sadie Sinclair. To get in close with Sadie , Nick becomes her boyfriend but soon Nick realises that something is different about this con. He is starting to fall for Gia - Sadie's assistant. There's just something about Gia , that Nick can't help but be attracted too. As the story goes along, we discover Gia is hiding a big secret - the reason behind why she left behind the world of fame and fortune when she was clearly made to be a star. Can Nick prove to Gia that what he feels for her is real ? Can Gia take the risk of falling for Nick especially when she has someone else in her life she has to think about and put first ? 
Find out in Book #2 Taking Something by Elizabeth Lee. A novel where sometimes it's time to hang up the past and move on to the future in a new line of life skills and work.



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