Review: Accidental Heiress - Emily Evans

Accidental Heiress (Accidental #7)

Review: Accidental Heiress - Book #7 Accidental Series - Emily Evans - May 2017
For those who have read this series, you will remember in the last book that Nate discovered he had a half-sister Ella. In Book #7 we meet Maddie who happens to be Ella's best friend from back home. Maddie is busy helping her aunt Lisa out at her catering business which later she discovers it is a front for something more sinister. Maddie is looking forward to spending Christmas and New Years with her best friend Ella and meeting Ella's new friends and family. When it is discovered that their is a nasty storm and it has delayed and cancelled planes, Nate's dinner and the annual scavenger hunt participants are starting to dwindle. Ella had invited Maddie and so Ella turns up and looks like this time around there are a few in to win. This scavenger hunt is where you can win your heart's desires. Nate had chucked in some heirlooms as he was hoping Ella would win, but with her not here - it is up to Nate. Will Nate be willing to accept the help of Maddie as it seems that scavenger hunt and puzzles are just up her alley and skill set. The thing is Maddie better get her passport renewed and be ready for a worldwide adventure as this scavenger hunt will have them travelling the world following the clues.  Can Maddie help Nate win or will someone be willing to play dirty in order to win and sabotage their chances ? Find out in Book #7 of the Accidental Series by Emily Evans. Perfect for those YA Readers who love boarding school and upper east side wealth stories.


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