Review: Side Hustle - Emily Goodwin

Side Hustle (Dawson Family, #3)

Review: Side Hustle - Book #3 Dawson Family - Emily Goodwin - December 2018

Scarlett for as long as she can remember she has made her living running cons to provide for her family. Now that her dad is in a rest home, she needs to build up her cash flow so that she can get him into a better house with more care facilities — one where he will be treated with the respect and not just waiting to die. It's up to Scarlet as her sister is in prison and her brother is in Afghanistan on tour. Scarlet answers a job working as a nanny. She has the experience and believes that with this job she can seduce and blackmail the husband as it is for a wealthy doctor's family. Though when Scarlet turns up, she is surprised as her plan won't work. The nanny job was for the brother who is a cop in a small town and lives comfortably. As the book goes along, we see Scarlet starting to fall in love with Weston and his son Jackson. Just as the three of them decide to become a family possibly, Weston's ex - Jackson's mother comes back in the picture and wants to try again. She also has the ammo to get Scarlet out of the picture, and she has contacts in the prison where Scarlet's sister has been running her mouth about her sister's cons. Can Scarlet prove to Weston that her con days are behind her and that she with all her heart truly loves Weston and Jackson? 
Find out in this smalltown romance with a bit of edge by Emily Dawson - Side Hustle - Book #3 in the Dawson Family Saga.


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