Review: Red and the Wolves - Zoe Blake and Alta Hensley

Red and the Wolves

Review: Red and the Wolves - Zoe Blake and Alta Hensley - April 2018

Red aka Raina has been the bane of her grandmother's existence and a thorn in her side. Ever since her mother defied her by getting impregnated to Red's dad and then dying in childbirth - her grandmother has hated her and seen her as a curse and loved to punish her every moment she can. Every year, the town chooses a sacrifice to the wolves outside the village. It is seen as an honor and is typically one of the oldest single males of each household. This year Red's grandmother finally dishes out the worst punishment - she has changed the rules of the selection which for the first time has put a female in the mix. Red is chosen as the sacrifice. She leaves the village expecting to see monsters, but instead, she is confronted by five hunky men with amber eyes. This is the first time that anyone has ever seen the wolves in human form. Here comes the erotica part is that the wolves claim every hole of Red and then the reverse harem part comes into play - that she has now been claimed by all five of the wolves/men. When given a chance will Red return to the village and surround herself with the ones who hated her or will she choose to live in the woods with the guys described as monsters and the only ones who have shown her what love can be like?
Find out in this dark romance rendition of Little Red Riding Hood.


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