Review: In Another Life - C.C Hunter

In Another Life

Review: In Another Life - C.C Hunter - March 2019
One of my favorite tropes has always been the one where people find their families and growing up one of my favorite books/movies was The Face on the Milk Carton. I also enjoyed Finding Carter who played on MTV a few years ago. The stories are based on children who were kidnapped at a young age. Chloe was adopted when she was three years old, and now her parents are getting divorced. Chloe is moving with her mother to a small town and living in her grandmother's old house. Chloe will meet a guy called Cash Colton that will change her life forever. Chloe is having feelings of deja vu but how can that be when she has never been to this town before? With Cash's help, he will help Chloe discover that she was kidnapped at three years old and her family isn't her own. Though she is about to realize that there are people who will kill to have her silenced and the truth to remain a secret. I have to admit this story had so much potential and fell flat for me as I had hoped we could get a bit more background on Chloe's real "family" and the lead-up to her kidnapping etc. This book just ended when she found the truth, and we didn't get the aftermath of the incident which I feel in stories like this you need as you have all those lost years to make up for and also all the emotions that are involved with being raised by people you thought adopted you not stole you.


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