Review: Two - Jane Blythe

Two (Count to Ten #2)

Review: Two - Book #2 Count to Ten Series - Jane Blythe - July 2016
I wasn't sure when I started this book whether it would contain the same detectives but just like it had a new mystery storyline, it also contained new detectives. The book begins with a young girl Brooke who wanted to be a "Somebody" instead of a smalltown farm girl. She ran away from home when she was fifteen. Now fifteen years later, she is heavily pregnant and goes to knock on the door of the father's house. She ends up being murdered, and the baby ripped from her womb. As the police turn up to investigate, they learn that this is one mixed up and an evil family. The Everett family have dark secrets that they don't want to be aired out in the open. The only one willing to talk is Sofia - the nicest and the black sheep of the family. She also happens to be the one whom Detective Ryan Xander is in love with. As more family members start dying, it is clear someone is targeting the Everett family but for what reason. As the book goes on, we are soon left with a few members of the family including Sofia, Isabella and Logan Everett the third. Can Ryan save Sofia before she falls victim and when all is revealed what dark secrets will be leaked from the Everett Manor and who is the killer ? I have to admit I had a small inkling about halfway through the book, but the ending still left some WTF twists for me. If you enjoy fast-paced mystery novels, then the Count to Ten Series by Jane Blythe are the books for you.


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