Review: Amnesty - Cambria Hebert

Amnesty (Amnesia, #2)

Review: Amnesty - Book #2 Amnesia Series - Cambria Hebert - August 2017
I had enjoyed the first book of this series as I love amnesia trope stories. Book #2 however, I didn't find as enjoyable as the first as in places it seemed to drag on a bit. In this book, Amnesia is recently out of the hospital after being attacked by the little old lady. She is trying to get her memory back as the old lady whispered to her that she's not Sadie. If she isn't Sadie then who is she? As the book goes along, Amnesia starts to get flashes of memories and along with Eddie's help the pair head back to the island and when they get to the island - they are in for a big surprise which btw readers, I'm not going to spoil.  When they return home with the truth, I was hoping that we would find a bit more about who Amnesia really was and maybe some deeper backstory. This book does end in a massive twist, that I did not see coming and was like OMFG, seriously. I did understand the ending, but in a way, this series did not go the direction I had expected it too but sort of went a bit off track for my liking and still left a few unanswered questions even at the very last page. We need one more book in this series to tie up all the loose ends of the characters I feel.


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