Review: Violet - Sara Schoen

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Violet (The Outsiders Series Book 3)

Review: Violet - Book #3 The Outsiders Series - Sara Schoen - August 2018
We have had Rose and Sage's stories, and now we come to the youngest sister Violet. She has some making up to do to the foster kids at her school as she tried so hard to fit in, that she made fun of them.  Now that she realizes that being a foster kid isn't something to be ashamed of, she is discovering that they are a friendly bunch of misfits. Her family life is going well too as Rose is preparing for college and Sage is slowly warming up to the Williams. Sage and Sean have big news in Violet as well. I also liked how we discovered the origin of the care packages that featured quite prominently in Rose's story. In Violet, she meets Hunter who is another foster kid with a background eerily similar to hers. He decided to find his family and what happened to them when he did get the truth he was shocked and devastated. When he learns that Violet is trying to find her parents, he tries to talk her out of it as he doesn't want her to go through what he did as the truth may set you free, but it can also hurt the heck out of you. I did like how Violet touched a bit about her parents; I had hoped though that we could have seen more of them or their side of the story. Maybe a future book idea, Sara? As usual, this was another fantastic book by Sara Schoen and had a few edgier feelings coming out through the pages compared to the other books in the series.


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