Review: Office Fling - Amy Brent and Candy Gray

Office Fling

Review: Office Fling - Amy Brent and Candy Gray - March 2018

Looking for an easy read with a bit of suspense? McKenna is working under an alias as a cleaner for an office building and does a fantastic job. One night while cleaning she meets Rafael the CEO and his ex-wife in the offices. Hiding under the tables is their son Dominic. McKenna does what she thinks is best and starts chatting away to Dom and from that moment on, you can see that she's bonded straight away with Dom. Raf decides to do some research on his new employee and discovers she has used a fake name. Is she a spy or hiding from someone? During the book, we read as McKenna and Raf become quite close, and the reason behind McKenna's fake name comes to light. Even though I did like this story, I found that it was the bond and chemistry between McKenna and Dom that stole the show and made the book rather than her romance with Raf. Office Fling is one of those HEA stories where you know what you are in for and don't need to think when reading.

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