Review: Ready to Fumble - Christy Barritt

Ready to Fumble (The Worst Detective Ever #1)

Review: Ready to Fumble - Book #1 The Worst Detective Ever Series - Christy Barritt - January 2017

Joey Darling's exploded as she knew it and has now found her way back to the small beach community of Nags Head. She is working for her Aunt Dizzy at her hairdresser's and putting to use her cosmetology license. She is also back in Nags Head to investigate and find out what she can about her dad's disappearance as he has vanished which is out of character for him. Joey Darling is used to being recognized as she spent most of her life playing a P.I on a TV show called Relentless. She played Raven Remington. Joey is about to learn that people can't decipher fiction from fact as she is accosted by a lady named Lily who is willing to pay her $5000 if Raven Remington can find her partner Simon Phillips. Joey figures it can't hurt as she does technically have her P.I License. Joey enlists the help of her new neighbor Zane as he seems to have a lot of connections in town and learns he was a fan of her show. As they start investigating, she finds Simon and looks like someone else was a fan of the show as the scene is like one of her episodes. As Joey starts to investigate, she keeps bumping into the actual local sheriff Jackson. We can see chemistry developing between Jackson and Joey, which makes me wonder if in later books - the author might put these two together. Ready to Fumble was an easy read and had the feel of a cozy mystery. It contains a lot of adventure as well from Stalkers, Horrible Ex-es, Missing Persons, Witness Protection and Dirty Law enforcement and of course dead people as what's a mystery novel without a dead body or two.


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