Review: Love Cutter - Michelle Jester

Love, Cutter

Review: Love Cutter - Michelle Jester - August 2018

Carter has had enough of his life and feels that he doesn't fit in and that he has no way out and if he left then everybody would be fine and get on with their lives.  He commits suicide and is rushed to the hospital where he lays in a coma. Little does the outside world know that while in his coma Carter can hear. While in his coma, Carter starts to familiarise himself with the people surrounding him by their voices. One of those, in particular, is Kinley who works as a nurse in the hospital. She knows what Carter is going through as, like him, she has been there. We later have Kinley nicknamed as Cutter as that was her preferred method of pain relief. During the coma, Carter will start to learn things about his parent's lives, memories and discover what true love is. When he does wake up, the person he wants most in the world is Kinley, but of course, he only knows her name and the sound of her voice. What will happen when Carter finds Kinley? Will the love that he had for her remain when he discovers her true identity? I liked Love, Cutter as it does give you an insight into the dynamics of families, values and how they cope when tragedy strikes - do they drift apart or does it make them come closer? If you have suffered a suicide attempt or know someone who has attempted or sadly died, then as I found this book can bring up memories and trigger a mixture of emotions.


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