Review: Adrift - Sarah Darlington

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Adrift (Kill Devil Hills, #4)

Review: Adrift - Book #4 Kill Devil Hills Series - Sarah Darlington - May 2017

For those who have read the previous books in this series, you will remember the rocky start the characters all had when Ben Turner was lost at sea and declared dead. We had Georgie trying to kill herself and then his girlfriend at the time got with his best friend. Now a few years later Ben has returned from the dead and his prison stint. He is now back living in Kill Devil Hills and having to face his past and the consequences of his actions.  Juniper Hug has been in a relationship with an abusive guy and to make it worst he is in the law business and has connections everywhere. When Juniper was younger, she remembered visiting KDH and decided to change her identity and head there, so he can't find her especially now that she is also pregnant. Ben meets Juniper but thinks she is Lily Davenport - a family friend from his childhood. Over the book, Juniper, to survive, continues to be Lily, but things start to get complicated when Ben begins to fall in love and vice versa. What will happen though when Juniper finally tells Ben the truth? Then just as things look like they might be looking up - Juniper's ex-arrives in Kill Devil Hills for what he believes is his property?
Unlike the previous books in the series, Adrift has more of edgier and romantic suspense feel to the book.



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