Review: After the Game - Abbi Glines


Review: After the Game - Book #3 The Field Party Series - Abbi Glines - August 2017

You know those mornings when you want to read and so you try a few books and nothing clicks with you, I tend to lately go through this a few days of the week and this Sunday morning was one of those days where I tried at least three books and they just weren't capturing me and inviting me to browse past the first couple of pages and chapters.  Therefore, I went to an author and a title, I knew I would enjoy and read. That book was the third in Abbi Glines's series The Field Party. In Book #2 we saw and heard a snippet about Riley Young and how she was run out of town after accusing Rhett Lawton of rape. He was the golden boy and she was a random girl who was viewed as someone who wanted to make some money by accusing the richest family in town. During Book #2 we saw the nasty side of Rhett which led readers to be on Riley's side and also learn what the men in his family line are capable of. Riley is back in town with her daughter Bryony and looking after her grandmother who has Alzheimer's. One day, Riley and her daughter are caught in the rain and picked up by Brady Higgins. Brady was one of those who took Rhett's side and called Riley a liar, but after the current history - he is now believing Riley and he is also falling in love with her and her daughter. Can Brady do the right thing by Riley and stand by her, even if it means he will go against people and teammates who called her a liar? Also, I liked this book and that Abbi had given Brady some troubles of his own to go through as in the first two books, he was the clean-cut, perfect family and nothing bad has happened character. In this book, he ends up going through family troubles which helps to make his character feel more real. Though this book does cover a few heavier topics including rape, teen pregnancy, betrayals, and cheating - the way it is written does give a bit of lightness so it isn't a dark and depressing read. I am now looking forward to continuing on my journey of catching up and reading the rest of the Abbi Glines books I have on my e-readers and the Libby Library App.



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