Review: Wish - Morgan Rice (Book #1)

Review: Wish - Book #1 Wish Series - Morgan Rice -February 2023

As I have started to join in the last year of Bookstagram groups and raffles and the world of wishlists, it has seen me adding new books to my list and new titles that interested me but I possibly wouldn't have brought myself. I do have to admit this past year has opened my eyes to trying new authors as well.  Morgan Rice's Wish series caught my attention as it sounded like something up my alley. More so, the books aren't too long either which makes good reading time in terms of reading the book in one sitting. Reading Wish transported me back to the year 2007-2008, the year Vampire fiction was just arriving on the market. The year I first read Twilight and other series like Morganville Vampires, Vampire Beach, Vampire Kisses, and Vampire Diaries - you get the idea. A world for me before the Twilight fandom exploded and Vampires were suddenly the "in thing". If Morgan Rice had written her series back then, it would have been possibly more popular than it is now.  Reading this book for me was refreshing as I felt like I was sucked back into the early worlds of students discovering their abilities, not knowing what Vampires or Werewolves were. Wish is the first of 8 books and where we first meet Taylor Night who believes she has been sent to a wilderness camp for misfits, the truth is that it is a school for those who are showing signs of being a little "different". After her Dad died, she found herself shipped off here and now she believes she is going crazy. Can Taylor handle what she learns and will it give her the answers to her past about her Dad and sister Jane? I am now excited to continue this series and as I am reading it, I can also envision it being a TV show. Wish is a great first book in this series and an amazing Indie find especially if you consider yourself a Team Edward or Team Jacob girl over Team Harry and Team Hermione. 



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