Review: The Good Neighbor - Cathryn Grant

Review: The Good Neighbor - Cathryn Grant - September 2019

Not sure exactly what I was in the mood for, I scrolled through my Kindle and came across The Good Neighbor by Cathryn Grant. The cover captivated me with the pink shoe lying on the road and the idea of a kidnapped child. A Missing Persons story. The story starts with Brittany and her parents moving into a small close-knit suburb, the neighbors don't know much about the family as they stick to themselves and it seems Brittany acts much younger than she is. She seems younger than her 14 years old. One night after being here a couple of weeks, Brittany vanishes and is classed as a missing person. Next door Taylor helps by making a Facebook page running search parties and helping the family with whatever they need. During the time Brittany is missing, a woman Crystal sees the post and is shocked as this is her daughter who was taken from her almost 10 years ago. Crystal contacts Taylor and is first seen as a prank messenger but as Crystal and Taylor correspond, it looks like Crystal is telling the truth. What happened that night ten years ago and how did Brittany end up with this set of parents? Are they loving parents or is there something much more devious going on? This book reminded me of Jason Rekulak's book Hidden Pictures as it had a similar feel to the storyline. If you love missing children and books like The Face on the Milk Carton by Caroline B. Cooney, then check out Cathryn Grant's The Good Neighbor today.



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