Review: The Problem With Players - Brittainy C. Cherry

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Review: The Problem with Players - Book #2 Problems Series - Brittainy C. Cherry - May 2024

I have been looking forward to reading this book and just needed to be in the right mood to give it a go as after having surgery, my reading took a bit of a hit but slowly I am getting back to it- not as fast as I want too, though but I am getting there. I have been a fan of Brittainy's books ever since over 10 years ago I started with her The Elements Series. In this one, we meet Avery Kingsley, who is one of those women who is plagued with OSS aka Older Sibling Syndrome. She is also quite cold and a bit of a frustrating female character in my mind, she is the type that won't let anyone in. It's almost like she thinks she doesn't deserve to be loved or if she shows emotion then she will be viewed as weak and spineless. I guess it's true for her professional life as a high school sports coach but in personal - not quite.  In the beginning, we see Avery is engaged and ready to marry her boyfriend Wesley in a couple of weeks. That is until Nathan Pierce comes back to town. He was the first guy that Avery fell in love and then he broke her heart and shattered it to pieces when he left to gain a career as a professional baseball player. He is now back to being her assistant coach and of course, being around him is bringing out the worst in Avery as he makes her "feel" which leads her to feelings of depression and down days. When Avery is left at the altar, Nathan is there to whisk her away as he never stopped loving her, and this time he isn't prepared to walk away without a fighting chance to win her love back forever. Can Nathan be the one to break Avery's walls and in doing so, can Avery help save Nathan as he too has been feeling guilty about not saving a good friend from suicide? Find out in this edgy and emotional baseball sports romance by Brittainy C. Cherry - #BlackSportsRomanceRead - The Problem with Players. I am now looking forward to going back and reading the first book which will be Yara and Alex’s story.



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