Review: The Best Friend Experiment - Susannah Nix

Review: The Best Friend Experiment - Book #5 Chemistry Lessons Series - Susannah Nix - June 2020

Growing up Brooke and Dylan were inseparable, except for the one time that Brooke got pregnant and had an abortion - but they were still the best of friends and now Brooke is busy living in LA and working as a Marine Biologist and trying to make her way, except she is always coming second and finding it hard to push her way forward. Her best friend Dylan on the other hand is a model and making money from looking sexy on billboards in his underwear. They haven't caught up for a while and now Dylan is coming to stay and spend time with Brooke. When they were in high school, they kissed and then nothing happened. They just pretended it never happened. The truth is that neither of them ever forgot the kiss and having Dylan come and stay, might be the kick that Brooke needs to reignite a romance with him. The thing though is that after her abortion, her family practically disowned her and if things don't work out with Dylan, then she feels as if she has nobody. Can Dylan prove to Brooke, he isn't going anywhere and help open her heart to the possibility of a romance? I also enjoyed this book as we got to see Caleb and Penny's wedding and catch up with the Knitting crew from Penny's story as Brooke turns out to be one of Olivia's old college roommates and Olivia is one of Penny's besties. Unlike The Boyfriend Hypothesis, this one does touch on a few edgy topics including past abortions, cancer, and eating disorders/diets, and then also the whole female in academics discrimination.



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