Review: Mr Wrong Number - Lynn Painter

Review : Mr. Wrong Number - Book #1 Mr. Wrong Number Series - Lynn Painter - March 2022

After reading Betting On You, I had been excited to read this one - but unlike Betting on You which I loved, Mr. Wrong Number fell a little flat for me. It was an average read and still a good romance, but I wonder if it was because I had read a few too many wrong number books and maybe I need to take a break as I normally enjoyed this trope. I just couldn't connect as well with this book overall as much as I had hoped for. If you are in the mood for a good romance where a wrong number turns into an unlikely romance and HEA then Mr. Wrong Number is the book for you. If you love stories where the female character falls for the sibling's best friend, then this is the book for you. If you love roomies in love, then this is the book for you. The book starts of course with Olivia - the female character who is currently living with her brother and his best friend getting a text asking her what is she wearing. , this is obviously from a wrong number but throughout the novel, the pair end up messaging each other back and forth and falling in love over their text messages. What happens though when the big reveal happens and it turns out that Mr. Wrong Number is her flatmate and her brother's best friend Colin?  Mr. Wrong Number by Lynn Painter is a good read for those who love the wrong number trope.  I am now looking forward though to reading the other titles by Lynn Painter as I have a few of her others on my bookshelf still to read.



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