Review: Cold Fury - Toni Anderson

Review: Cold Fury - Book #4 Cold Justice -Most Wanted Series - Toni Anderson - May 2024

As I was reading this book, I kept feeling like I had read this story before, but then I had a good look around Goodreads and I hadn't. The reason was that it was very much along the same lines as books by Abbie Roads and written in a very similar style. The books that are romantic suspense and published by Kensington Press - have that feeling of not being quite cozy, but not quite a thriller. More romantic suspense feeling. In this book, we start with a lawyer who has just helped through a loophole to get an accused serial killer off -Julian Leech. When she arrives home and finds her husband and daughter murdered and killed in Julian's style. He is immediately arrested and sentenced to prison time. Years later he is being transferred and their prison convoy crashes, Julian is one of the prisoners that has managed to escape and is determined to get revenge on those who put him back into prison including Hope as he proclaims he is innocent.  Hired to protect Hope is Aaron and his team of special ops, as Julian sets off on his revenge spree - can Aaron protect Hope even when sparks start to fly between the pair of them? I had a feeling about halfway through that the killer wasn't quite who they said it was, this book though definitely was one of those easy-to-read suspense books that you can just relax and go with how it plays out by half-point the ending is already made up in your mind.



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