Review: Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone - Benjamin Stevenson

Review: Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone - Benjamin Stevenson - March 2022

This book sounded interesting and on my list to read as who wouldn't want to read one with this title? The thing though the book had grabbed me with the title and started well but by the end of it, this was one of those what the hell did I just read books? You know the type of books you read and are still left thinking, about what happened and I am so freaking confused. It's like I read a whole bunch of pages, but am still lost. The book is told from the perspective of Ernie Cunningham and apparently in this town -the Cunningham family is synonymous with being "a bad bunch". Whether it be directly or indirectly as we read as Ernie goes through various family members, each one has caused someone's death and a few are actual murderers. The book starts with Ernie's brother Michael killing and going to prison for which the family blames Ernie and then jumps to Michael now being released from prison when another murder occurs at their family reunion at the local ski lodge. Did Michael strike again or was it a different family member this time around? If you have ever read the series We Were Liars by E.Lockhart then with Benjamin Stevenson's book - you will feel the same motions. This is one book that I say read, if you want to but I wish you Good luck if you dare to try it, and who knows, you might be on the side that loves it. This book is only getting a review as I finished it but is a borderline 3Ps read.



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