Review: Crimson River - Devney Perry

Review: Crimson River - Book #5 The Edens Series - Devney Perry - June 2023

I had been looking forward to this one possibly the most since Indigo Ridge as I knew it had more of a romantic suspense feel to it. Crimson River is Lyla Eden's story and it starts innocently with Eloise begging her to take a day of self-care, for Lyla this means grabbing her hiking gear and following her favorite trail. However, this will be one hiking trip she will never forget as it almost ends in death for her. While Lyla is hiking, she stumbles upon a man hunting and he spots her and freaks, instead of running he starts to strangle her and then stops before she dies.  It turns out that the mystery man has a name - Cormac Gallagher and he is someone who has been on the run for the past four years as his wife and two of his children were found murdered - the oldest child- a body was never found. Enter Vance Sutter - he is a cop from the same town Cormac lives and has been tracking him down and following leads. It has been all dead ends until now and hopefully, with Lyla's help, he can not only get justice for her but also justice for Norah and the children. When Vance arrives in Quincy, we see sparks fly, and hope glisten for both Vance and Lyla. Will they find Cormac and will Vance like the answers he receives? Will he discover a truth he never expected up in the woods of Quincy, Montana? Will this be Vance's last stop and will he finally stop running except into Lyla's arms? Find out in another great installment of the Eden Series and we also read in the last few chapters and epilogue, a few storylines, and angles that could happen with Matteo as looks like he has three potential love interests for his book "Sable Peak".  I am now looking forward to continuing but will also be sad when it comes to saying goodbye to another great family - The Edens.


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