VBT# Letters to God, on a Prodigal Son—Overcoming Addiction Through Prayer - Anita Estes
Today's VBT# is a book launch for Anita Estes new Non-Fiction book "Letters to God, on a Prodigal Son—Overcoming Addiction Through Prayer" , This is part of a John 3v16 Spotlight. If you are interested in joining John3v16 then what it is - A Christian Book Marketing network site for new authors, reviewers etc. Head to http://www.john3v16.blogspot.com/

Synopsis: Letters to God, on a Prodigal Son—Overcoming Addiction Through Prayer - Anita Estes- 2011
Letters to God, on a Prodigal Son—Overcoming Addiction Through Prayer is the poignant, true story of a parent's journey through the minefield of her adult child's addiction. This book will help you find peace in the midst of your tsunami and the secret to victorious prayer! Letters to God is a powerful journal packed with prayers, practical advice and key spiritual insights. It will help unlock the secrets to successful prayer, not only for those dealing with prodigals, but for anyone facing their own storm.This book will greatly increase your faith and helps others to stand firm in their faith. A genuine love of prayer will be ignited within your soul with this book, learn how to come close to God through prayer, petition and worship. This book is proof positive that God is a Mighty Deliverer and is still in the business of answering the prayers of the faithful. Truly He has the power to work all things out for good. A Highly Recommended Read 10 stars out of ten.
Some Key Excerpts:
It is difficult not to be consumed with your addicted child, but you must not put him or her first. Your marriage and your own physical, emotional and mental stability are very important in order to be able to see things from a clear perspective. While you can pray fervently, don’t let the child or problem consume your thoughts and your time. Make time for you and your spouse, your other children and yourself. Spend time in prayer for other’s needs as well as your own.
Life Changing Promises:
During this time I really learned how to pray the scriptures and promises. I needed encouragement everyday and some promises that I could hold onto continually. Here is one more that I clung to: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging” (Psalm 46: 1-3 NIV).
Jesus doesn’t want us to put any relationship above Him and get our peace and joy from them. These words pierce my heart, for this is the work God is doing in my life. I cannot depend on anyone for joy or happiness. I must rely solely on Jesus. He must be my source. It’s not that I can’t receive joy from others, but Jesus needs to be the root of my joy.6. What is the takeaway value of your books and of Letters to God… in particular?
About The Author:
Anita Estes resides in the beautiful Hudson Valley of upstate New York with her husband and son. She is an art teacher, freelance writer and avid gardener. As an educator, she has been honored in“Who’s Who of American Teachers” for 2000 and 2005. Her work appears in several compilations including God Allows U-Turns, A Cup of Comfort, Deliver Me and Adams Media books. Her devotions have been published in Penned from the Heart, “Upper Room” and on-line. She is the author of When God Speaks: 40 Days of His Promises, Transformed—Inspiring Stories of Freedom and Letters to God on a Prodigal Son—Overcoming Addiction through Prayer
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