Review: Crowd of Lies - Lisa Helen Gray.

Crowd of Lies (Kingsley Academy Book 2)

Review: Crowd of Lies - Book #2 Kingsley Academy Series - Lisa Helen Gray - October 2019

It took me a moment to remember what had happened at the end of Book #1 and the characters’ names as when you read as many bully romances as I do and some have similar storylines and names it can get a tad confusing. At the end of Book #1 someone had run Ivy Monroe off the road when she was on the back of Carter's motorbike and stolen her bag which contained damaging evidence. Ivy manages to live but only barely for a moment or two. She is however about to disrupt the guys' lives as she reveals the truth about her mother and how Kaiden and Grant's fathers raped her and got her pregnant. I had hoped that when Kaiden's mother came back we could have learned more about the baby that was adopted or an identity. Maybe, Lisa Helen Gray, this could be a spin-off book ?? The book also though it touched in a few places about the incident that happened many moons ago which also led to Kaiden's mother disappearing and Grant's dying - more is revealed about this storyline. I felt that it was lots of action but not any conclusion as they weren't really punished for their crimes yet the evidence was there. I also found Grant's character a freaking pain in the butt as he was so whiny and such a spoilt brat and poor me as his true colors showed through and how such a weak-minded character he was. I did like that the bully female Danielle got what was coming to her and that stupid school principal - what a pompous jerk he was.  Overall the Crowd of Lies was an action-packed novel but it felt that the ending was rushed as it was like action, action then all of a sudden wham bam it's over.  I am now hoping that we will get a spin-off of Book #3 which contains about Ivy's half-sibling as that would make an awesome story.


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