Review: One Semester - Charlotte Byrd

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One Semester  (One Love, #1)

Review: One Semester - Book #1 One Love Series - Charlotte Byrd -  January 2016

The first thing that I need to get out of this way in case you are reading this book because you think it contains Alpha males. That is not the case of One Semester, the males in this book are not alphas - most would be considered jerks. This book contains Strong females, though I wouldn't call them Alpha females either as they go through their wavering and weak moments too. This book starts with Alice heading to college and meeting her roommates Juliet, Dylan, and Tristan. Oopsie - I forgot to mention that Tristan happens to be her ex-boyfriend as of two weeks ago when he dumped her. Alice and Tristan have a long-standing history as they were best friends first since childhood and now he is the man who broke her heart into tiny shards and now she has to live with him. What is the universe trying to say to her? One Semester follows through the lives of Alice and her decisions towards Tristan, Dylan and Juliet and then her friendships with Tea and a few other minor characters. What I liked about this book was the introduction of the thank you notes which were unsent letters that Alice wrote to those who had hurt her helping her realize something about herself. At points this story frustrated me especially with her back and fro'ing with Tristan - it was like make up your mind where you stand with him. I did, however, love watching Alice grow as a character throughout the year and experience her ups and down's throughout her first year as a college student. I am now looking forward to reading Book #2 and finishing the duet as this particular book was me clearing out some of the older reads on my Kindle.


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