Review: You Might Be Special - Kerri Kokias and Marcus Cutler

You Might Be Special!

Review: You Might Be Special - Kerri Kokias and Illustrated by Marcus Cutler - October 2021

Have you ever felt different from other kids? Never really felt like you fit in anywhere? Think that you may be a Unicorn or a Sasquatch? This very cute and hilarious picture book by Kerri Kokias goes through a fun interactive quiz that has children trying to discover where they fit in within this world. This picture books illustrations are fabulous and as someone who used to work at the library running preschool and primary school visits, You Might Be Special is the perfect book to read aloud to the children as they can join in with the story, and laughs will be erupting from the children's mouths with the funny moments of this book. You Might Be Special is written and perfect for children aged 4 - 8 years old.  You Might Be Special is also one of those picture books that every family needs to have sitting in a print copy on their children's bookshelves as will become a household favorite.


STORYSTORM 2018 Day 23: Kerri Kokias Embraces the Things That Made Her  Weird as a Kid | Writing for Kids (While Raising Them)


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