
Showing posts from September, 2012

Review: Pride and Popularity - Jenni James

  Do you love Jane Austen ? Are you a fan of modern renditions of classic novels ? As reader's know, I am a huge fan of renditions and one of my most favourite set of renditions are ones based on the stories of Jane Austen. Review: Pride and Popularity - Book #1 The Jane Austen Diaries - July 2011 Do you always find it interesting when you read other people's reviews on books ? Especially if it is a book that you enjoyed ? For me, whenever I review a book, I always like to check out the one-two star reviews on Goodreads as I sometimes can't believe that people waste all that time to write a negative review. I will admit as soon as I read the Jane Austen part and that it was a modern rendition of one of her tales, I was immediately hooked and knew I just had to read it. I Paula Phillips am a sucker for two things that this book had 1) It has a Jane Austen Connection and 2) It is a rendition novel. Pride and Popularity starts off with newcomer Chloe...

Review: Fangtabulous - Lucienne Diver

  Looking for a new fashionista Vampire series to read ? Have you read Lucienne Diver's series Vamped ? Are you a fan of Katie McAllister's or Jaz Park's Vampire books , if so you will enjoy this read ?   Review: Fangtabulous - Book#4 Vamped Series - Lucienne Diver - January 2013 When I first saw this book , I thought Lucienne Diver had created a new series as I remember years ago reading her book Vamped. To my surprise it is the same series and is Book #4 . Way back in Vamped we meet High school student Gina who had become a vampire and she wasn't going to let it stop her from enjoying the perks of eternal life and her current life starting with of course getting a whole new wardrobe. It seems that Gina has now adjusted to life as a Vampire and years later in Fangtabulous, she is now on the run from the  Feds where she once worked as a spy and hanging out with her Vampire family and some of the same characters from her earlier books. It seems th...

Review: Charlie Woodchuck is a Minor Niner - Dalya Moon

    Looking to discover a new Indie Author ? Have you read "Practice Cake" by Dalya Moon ? Check out the review @ . Get ready for her teen book which was recently renamed "Charlie" and reprinted with a new cover.   Review: Charlie Woodchuck is a Minor Niner aka Charlie - Book #1 Snowy Cove Series - 2011 Going through my Kindle reads is like a lucky dip as I have so many on there to choose from. Today's read is Charlie Woodchuck is a Minor Niner , another great cover and the write-up sounded interesting. The year was 1988 and Charlaine aka Charlie Woodchuck is about to enter the ninth grade. Fed up with the fact that electives aren't equal e.g Boys can't take sewing and cooking and Girls can't take metalwork or woodwork aka shop class. Charlie decides to take a stand and sign uo for the woodwork elective under the name Charlie Woodchuck. S...

Review: The Dirt - Lori Culwell

  Looking for a new teen read ? Something nice and light ? Wanting to discover a new Indie author ? Review: The Dirt - Lori Culwell - November 2011 Going through my Kindle and reading all the books on there, I thought I would start from the bottom up and isn't it funny that if you buy so many books , you often don't even remembering purchasing the book :P. When I saw this book, I thought hmm I must have brought it because I love the cover and it reminds me of an Upper East Side Book. It was an awesome read and it's a shame that it was a one-off as I would love to have read more books and it does have the potential for more tales. The Dirt by Lori Culwell focuses on the Whitley Family and is told from the POV of main character Lucy Whitley. We learn that Lucy, the brains of the family can't wait to escape her family and head to boarding school where she will not have to be part of "The Whitley Scandal" and live her family dramas. All goes to ...

Review: At Every Turn - Anne Mateer

  Did you enjoy the Lake Manawa series by Lorna Seilstad ? Have you read Wings on a Dream by Anne Mateer ? If so, get ready for Anne's newest release "At Every Turn". Review: At Every Turn - Anne Mateer - September 2012 Do you love reading historical novels , books set in the late 1800's/ early 1900's ? Christian fiction about strong women that don't nessecarily bend to societies rules as they want to make something of themselves and not just become another statistic as a housewife or society wife ? I love reading novels like this as it shows that out there, women are still independent in a way and that anything a man can do , as the song goes we can do better or too in this case. At Every Turn tells the story of society girl Alyce Benson, her father owns Benson Motors and races cars. When a group of missionaries from Africa comes to Alyce's church and talks about the children, Alyce is instantly captivated by the cause and decides that ...

VBT# Twang - Julie Cannon

    Today readers we have author Julie Cannon and her country western read "Twang" here on The Phantom Paragrapher with a thanks to Pump Up Your Books. Synopsis : Twang - Julie Cannon -October 2012 Twenty-three-year-old Jennifer Clodfelter believes she is destined to be a country music star. When her passion, determination and homemade demo tape were rejected by every music label in Nashville, she refused to give up. In just three years, a combination of guts and raw talent have propelled her on a journey of fame beyond her best dream. Now Jennifer has all she ever wanted, only to discover that there is a dark side to the glitz and number one hits. She will have to decide whether to sing her pain to a loving audience or find the courage to face the music in the private studio of her heart. YOU CANā€™T BE HAPPY AND WRITE A GOOD STORY   by Julie L. Cannon, author of Twang The human brain craves stories. We read in order to understand life. We rea...

Review: G'Day USA - Tony McFadden

  Wanting a Young Adult novel ? One that is a crossover for both Teens and Adults ? Do you love a good murder mystery with a bit of Hollywood chucked in the mix ? Review: G'Day USA - Book #2 Ellie Bourke Series - Tony McFadden - February 2012 So while waiting for my hair to set from getting it dyed, I decided to grab my Ipad and read a book from Kindle and I thought why,not go to one of the earliest ones it seems I downloaded as I have so much on there and it turned out to be G'day USA.  Now this is Book #2 of a series, but as I had'nt read the first one - you always tend to be a bit wary as you wonder if you can read the story still and have a clue what is happening. Lucky for me, Book #2 can be read as a stand-alone novel. It does however make references to Book #1 G'day LA , but if you are like me , then it is easy to fill-in-the blanks of what is happening.  G'day USA tells the story of up-coming Australian actress Ellie Bourke . She is about ...

Book Release : Romeo Redeemed - Stacey Jay

    Have you read "Juliet Immortal" by Stacey Jay ? Did you enjoy it and are now wanting to read Romeo's story and listen to his side of things ? Check out Book #2 in the Juliet Immortal Series. Synopsis; Romeo Redeemed - Book #2 Juliet Immortal Series - Stacey Jay - October 2012   All will be revealed for fans who have breathlessly awaited the sizzling sequel to Juliet Immortal. This time Romeo takes center stage and gets one chance, and one chance only, to redeem himself. Cursed to live out eternity in his rotted corpse, Romeo, known for his ruthless, cutthroat ways, is given the chance to redeem himself by traveling back in time to save the life of Ariel Dragland. Unbeknownst to her, Ariel is important to both the evil Mercenaries and the love-promoting Ambassadors and holds the fate of the world in her hands. Romeo must win her heart and make her believe in love, turning her away from her darker potential before his work is discovered by th...

Review: The Proper care and Maintenance of Friendship - Lisa Verge Higgins

  On the lookout for a good chicklit novel ? Love novels about the sisterhood of friendships ? Have you read Lisa Verge Higgins , book "One good friend deserves another" ? Review: The Proper Care and Maintenance of Friendship - Lisa Verge Higgins - January 2011 I first read Lisa's book "One good friend deserves another" and I loved it so much. It made me feel in a way a bit sad as I would have loved a group of friends like that but as I spent so much time moving around, it just didn't work out. Thank goodness, now though for the internet as I do have a great group of friends online who I can chat to about anything and have a set of good laughs.  I enjoyed Lisa's book so much, that I decided to check out what else she had written and came across her earlier book "The Proper Care and Maintenance of Friendship". In this book we meet four friends Rachel , Jo, Kate and Sarah - they meet when they were younger and now have moved on w...