Review: Mr Twizzlepip's What's in the Clouds - Trent B. Dean

Wanting a fun, easy to read book to share with your children ?
From Australia's Love of Books comes........
Review: Mr Twizzlepip's - What's In the Clouds ? - Written and Illustrated by Trent.B Dean
Have you ever stared up at the clouds when you were a kid or do it with your children and imagine what shape could the cloud be ? Is it a dog , a horse , a spaceship or the most common one - a bunny rabbit ? When I was little , it was one of my favourite games, to go outside and stare up at the clouds, watch the clouds go by and imagine what shapes that they represented. 
Writer and Illustrater Trent.B.Dean has produced a book aimed at toddlers between the ages of 3-6 yrs old , talking about what's in the clouds ? Filled with animation words , rhyme and bright colourful pictures , this is one book that children will love as you can easily find ways to interact with them as you flit from page to page.
Apparently according to Trent.B.Dean's website this is one book that makes it enjoyable and fun if you dare to read it in a posh english accent. Come on parents, if you are reading it to your kids then why not ? Make the effort to make reading time something enjoyable and fun not something that they have to do as this will turn reading into a chore.
A fun activity to do once you have finished reading the book, if its a nice , clear and sunny day is to go outside and see with your children what shapes you can make out of your clouds , what can they see in the sky ?


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