Review: On the Edge - Allison Van Diepen

Review: On the Edge - Allison Van Diepen - November 2014

Imagine growing up in a place where Gangs ran riot and you had to be careful about what you did , where you were in case you were jumped by a gang member. Some stay and join the gangs whereas others hope to make it out of the town and go somewhere and achieve something in life. For Maddie Diaz , she was one of those girls who had big dreams and a future ahead of when she received a full-ride scholarship to study Journalism. Maddie though wasn't one to keep her head down and do nothing so when she witnesses a crime which resulted in Hector the "homeless" man being killed , she tells the cops and soon identifies those responsible. They however are in a gang called "Reyes" and now with two of their guys heading to prison because of Maddie, they want revenge and decide to attack Maddie. Maddie is rescued by someone known only as Lobos - he is apparently the leader of the gang "Destinos" who has been clearing the streets of all wrong-doing. Though what will happen when he and Maddie can't stay apart and Maddie discovers his true identity ? Will their newfound love for each other be able to keep either of them safe or will the truth put them both in dangers way ?
On the Edge is an edgy novel that deals with the realism of gang culture in our communities.
 If Edgy Teen Fiction is one of your genres to read , then get out those diaries and mark November for this upcoming  release.



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