Wizard or Warrior Blog Tour by LD Doornbosch
Title: Wizard or Warrior
By: LD Doornbosch
Publication Date: February 11, 2016
Genre: Non Fiction - Self Help
In relationships as with other things, you get what you ask for. That becomes a problem when you don't know what you want! Wizard or Warrior summarizes 22 character archetypes, based on the Major Arcana of the Tarot, which make up the human race. It explains character traits, good and bad, and what makes each type "tick". Read this book and you'll be able to identify in short order whether someone is prone to violence or a die-hard pacifist, and even gain insights into how they'll behave in bed. Finding romance doesn't have to be hard. Sometimes it's as easy as asking for a Wizard or Warrior.
Amazon US - http://amzn.to/1Y2qbq6
Amazon UK - https://goo.gl/C9RSqd
Amazon CA - https://goo.gl/LxmgIq
Amazon US - http://amzn.to/1OwUfGI
Amazon UK - https://goo.gl/nLH7gk
Amazon CA - https://goo.gl/fKgX2R

L D Doornbosch grew up in the Midwest, in a suburb of Waterloo, Iowa. She moved to Arizona as a teen, where she still resides today. She spent twenty years in broadcast news, on and off the air, before a career move to technology. Throughout her life, she created technical and practical manuals for work related topics. With her first book, Finding Keepers, she shifted her focus to creating a manual on personal relationships, one with step-by-step instructions on the process of finding the right person. Wizard or Warrior extends that into the creation of a personality reference to help readers determine what kind of personality they are, as well as what type of personality would be their ideal match.
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Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lddoornbosch/
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