YA Reads Readers' Bash 2016 - Julie Leung

For the past few years, I have participated in the YA Reads Debut Authors Bash . Normally I have hosted several authors, but one of the authors wanted a different blog so I only have one author this year.
I now present you : Julie Leung

4 Must-Read
Rodent-as-Hero Tales for Beginner Adventurers
Greetings! My name is Julie Leung, debut
author of the middle-grade fantasy series, Mice
of The Round Table. As you may infer, this is the story of Camelot’s
humblest creatures and their secret roles in helping King Arthur’s knights
accomplish their legendary feats.
Book One, A Tail of Camelot, goes on sale October 4th—which is why I’m here
on this lovely blog as part YARead’s debut authors bash. Ten thousand cheese
wheels to The Phantom Paragrapher for hosting me, and letting me geek out about
the grand tradition of rodent adventures that inspired my own tale.
Redwall series by Brian Jacques
Mice of the Round Table follows the antics of one Calib
Christopher, an aspiring squire who dreams of becoming a mouse knight in his
father’s and grandfather’s pawsteps. Whenever I mention that I’m writing a book
about mice in a medieval setting, nine times out of then, the next words I hear
are, “like Redwall?”
To which I
shout, “YES, EULALIA!!!!!”
I cannot begin
to describe to you what a treasure the late Brian Jacques left us in the
Redwall series. Endearing heroes of the mice, otter, hare, and badger variety!
Epic rodent vs. rodent battles! The most vivid, drool-inducing descriptions of
MouseGuard graphic novels by David Petersen
MouseGuard is
an Eisner & Harvey Award winning comic book series, drawn and written by
the inimitable David Peterson. Also set in a world where mice live in a
medieval society, MouseGuard was one of my favorite sources of visual
inspiration as I wrote. (Mouseguard—and YouTube videos of mice running!)
Watership Down by Richard Adams
While rabbits
are not technically rodents in the scientific sense, I think they still count
in the literary sense. And Watership Down
just happens to be the rabbit novel to end all rabbit novels. Mythic in scale,
but also true to the character’s beastly natures, the book defies
categorization. And for Mice of the Round
Table especially, I was inspired to create a strong mythology that my
characters could base their culture on.
The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary
The three
titles I’ve already mentioned share a benefit in that interactions with humans
are either limited or nonexistent. I did not have this luxury, as humans
naturally play a large role in Mice of the Round Table. One of my favorite
books that features a strong human and mouse bond is The Mouse and the Motorcycle, in which a mouse named Ralph
befriends a boy and is loaned his toy motorbike. Describing how a mouse might
interact with items on a human scale proved to be a unique challenge. I envy
Brian Jacques a little for never having to deal with that.
By day, JULIE LEUNG works in book
publishing. By night, she works on getting her own books published. She is also
the mother of FictionToFashion.com, where she interprets her favorite books
into outfits. In her free time, she enjoys furtively sniffing books at used
bookstores and winning at obscure board games. Follow her on social media at
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