Review: Twisted Games - Ana Slash

Twisted Games (Wexley Prep Exclusive High #1)

Review: Twisted Games - Book #1 Wexley Prep Elite High - Ana Slash - June 2019|
Side Note: Here at the Phantom Paragrapher I try to write positive reviews and not tear down authors and books, so this review I have tried to stay positive in respect of the author ever coming across it.

This is going to be an interesting review to write as I managed to finish the book, so it automatically gets a review and I will be giving it 3Ps rating but that is a very borderline rating. I am currently loving the whole Bully Romance storyline at the moment and so when I saw this book, I jumped at the chance to read it as I was excited as currently, this is a strong favourite trope of mine. Twisted Games, however, was not what I expected as I pushed on with the book in the hopes that it would get better, sadly it didn't. I could see where the author was coming from and the themes and storyline, she wanted to pursue but sadly the writing ability was not there. The sentences were too short and felt disjointed at times and the editing was atrocious and I am saying this not as an editing professional but as a reader as often I don't notice the editing as it isn't my strong point but this one I felt could have been run through even a basic editing program like Grammarly and it still would have been improved to what the current state is. We had several spelling errors like oppression instead of impression and the storyline jumped all over the place. I can appreciate what the author was trying to convey and I believe with a tidy-up and a good edit, this could be an amazing story but without it sadly it will not do too well in the reviews and I can see the author Ana Slash being pummelled down sadly.  Readers, this book is available on KU, so if you do want to give it a go - I suggest using Kindle Unlimited as I did rather than forking out the $3.99 price I think is and buying it outright. But, be forewarned that if you can't read a book filled with editing errors then I say don't go near this one.


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