Review: Savages - Cassie James

Savages (Pawns of Patience, #3)

Review : Savages - Book #3 Pawns of Patience Series - Cassie James - August 2019

You know how some of the books in a series you just find yourself getting annoyed at. That was how I felt with Savages which is Book #3 in the Pawns of Patience series by Cassie James. As readers of this series know we have Juliet in a relationship with Smith but over the last few books she has shown interest in the other guys including Patrick, Ace, and Jax. In Book #3 Juliet's aunty Pearl is dying which means that Juliet soon will be the last Lexington standing and is in line to inherit everything included with the Lexington Estate which will make her one of the most powerful females in Patience. The part that annoyed me in this book is that Juliet loves all the guys including Jax yet she keeps pussy-footing around and it's also like the guys can't accept that she wants all of them as they don't want to share except of course Smith and Jax. Then there's Juliet's relationship with Jax where they act like they totally hate each other and then have these quick vicious hook-ups throughout the book. It's like make up your freaking mind folks. Then, of course, we had Jake come back - he was her friend from her previous life when she was Jessica along with the arrival of her friend’s older brother – Kareem who both want a piece of Juliet as well. The cliffhanger ending of this book was exciting as she exclaimed she knew where Hollis's treasure was, which has been an occurring theme since Book #1 as people have been trying to find it for years since Hollis's death and it had become a bit of an urban legend in the smalltown of Patience. I am now looking forward to reading Book #4 to see how the Pawns of Patience series concludes.


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