Review: Mother May I ? - SE Green

Review: Mother May I ? - S.E Green - May 2021
As readers, we always have a
list of authors that as soon as they release a new book, we will always read
them - no matter what. They are called our "unicorn authors". These
are the authors that you will buy a book just because it is written by them,
you often have no idea what the book is about because it isn't a priority to
you. The main thing is that it was written by that specific author. One of my
"unicorn authors" is S.E Green aka Shannon Greenland. When I was
younger about 16-18, I discovered her YA Spy series The Specialists and Killer
Instinct and I read both and was hooked. Mother May I? is a tad different than
her others as this one is written more for the adult audience rather than her
usual YA target. In Mother May I? we meet Nora who is a preacher's wife which
was surprising as she isn't the religious type at all. She is a money-hungry
cheater. As long as her preacher husband is making money, she is happy. When
Nora falls pregnant, her mother tells her she will come to hate her child. Nora
doubts this but as her daughter gets older, she starts to notice it and she
does start to resent her. When her husband dies, Nora is now left with her
daughter who hates her guts but is the heir to her husband's fortune. This was
a twisted read as the story goes along and I have to admit that when we did see
the ending, I had a bit of a smirk and thought that's karma right there. Mother
May I ? was a psychological thriller that looks at the bad side of a
mother/daughter relationship and what can occur when the last two surviving
resent each other with a passion. If you love YA thrillers and edgy reads, then
S.E Green is an author that you must add to your TBR piles, she’s an author you
won’t regret reading.
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