Review: Wicked Little Secrets - Kara Taylor

Review: Wicked Little Secrets - Book #2 Prep School Confidential Series - Kara Taylor - March 2014
After solving the murder of her roommate Izzy, Anne Dowling is trying to get back to normal but it looks like that she has caught the mystery-solving bug and is determined to solve another mystery as she has found that her passion and feels the desire to right the wrongs of history. Of course, though for Anne, this means that trouble is always headed her way. In Wicked Little Secrets, Anne has found a picture of Matthew Weaver with the message "They Killed Him". In the photo along with Matt are the current Rowing coach, Travis Shepard, Pierce Conroy, Senator Westbrook, and a couple of other guys. This photo is from 30 years ago and the investigation starts with Anne trying to clear Ben's dad from the crime but as she goes along and enlists the help from a townie - Izzy's brother Anthony it seems that the bodies start to pile up and that Anne and Anthony have once found themselves in a middle of a massive cover-up that is still happening today. Once again can Anne solve this crime without finding herself six feet under? Find out in this fun YA thriller series "Wicked Little Secrets" by Kara Taylor. This is the perfect series for fans of YA thrillers and fans of the TV series Veronica Mars and Nancy Drew. I am now looking forward to reading Book #3.
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