VBT# Shadowed Seats - Marguerite Ashton

Review: Shadowed Seats - Book #1 Oliana Mercer Series - Maguerite Ashton - August 2017
I have to admit I was in two minds about this book, as I had just finished reading one of Marguerite Anderson's prior books and found it quite disjointed and a tad confusing. Shadowed Seats was another quick read by Marguerite Ashton, this book was set in a high school and we meet Oliana Mercer. The book starts with Oliana discovering a dark secret about her family and the truth about her birth. She then goes to school and discovers that her best friend Devin is pregnant and finds herself stuck in the middle between her best friend and her boyfriend. During the book, we also see that Oliana and Devin are big on drama and have been waiting for their acceptance to Reyersen which is an amazing drama school - a bit like Julliard. During the school play rehearsals though Oliana's best friend, Devin ends up collapsing on stage, and eventually, it is ruled as a homicide. Who wanted her best friend dead? Is it to do with the pregnancy? What happens when Oliana's boyfriend and his best friend end up being the main suspects? Find out in this fun start to a great mystery series - The Oliana Mercer series. If you enjoy the game Clue, then you will enjoy Shadowed Seats by Marguerite Ashton – One dead body, one murder weapon, and a whole school hall of suspects.
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